Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Some mornings . . .

There are times in the Thomas household that are a bit chaotic.  It seems to happen now more than ever.  Mr. Aidan is such a mischievous little man.  He will get into anything and everything given the opportunity.  SO, I attempt to stay one step ahead of him - but usually fail on some level.  (I blame sleep deprivation and getting side tracked given all the little people in the house who need something)  Whether it be making sure all bedroom/bathroom doors are shut and locked, or the gate is up to keep him out of the kitchen, or my beverage is out of reach or all diapers are disposed of immediately, or my computer is out of reach, etc . . . you get the point.   Well today, I failed.  While changing Jacob's diaper (yes, we need to start potty training - any suggestions?  I'll save it for another post) I realized Aidan had left the room, I had left the hallway door open and it was just too quiet in the living room.  Then it clicked - I had left the donuts from breakfast on the kitchen table.  Crap.  I hurried out to find this:

Aidan was just helping himself to more donuts.  It could have been much worse.  So, I picked up the donuts and grabbed him off the table.  I headed back to finish changing Jacob's diaper and realized that Aidan is not the only one who can get into trouble . . .

Hard to really see here, but Jacob, goofy smile and all, decided he needed lotion.  A lot of lotion.  See below.

And apparently the wall was in need of moisturizing.
(And Jacob is usually pretty good on his own - now when he and Aidan are in cohorts together, it's another story)
And then I turn and see my sweet little Ronan lying in his crib and wonder how long it will be before there will be a third mess to clean up.  I have time . . .
Sweet little Roo after getting dressed.  No mischievousness here . . .yet.

And before I know it, here is Aidan, my little goof ball.
(Jacob had joined in too, but refused to let me take his picture.)
Tomorrow is another day . . .

1 comment:

The Ulrickson Fam said...

I think Shiloh learned something from Aidan because she is CRAZY! I am using a baby gate for the first time in my life. The kitchen is just no good for that little one. BTW, the pic of Ronan looking at the camera- now I see that he looks like a Thomas boy. Love it!!