Monday, August 24, 2009

New Blog

Please check out my new blog:

Growing Green

The link is posted with my other links.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Race for the Cure

On October 11, 2009, I am going to participate in the Race for the Cure 5K for breast cancer. I am super excited about it and would love for it to become a tradition. There have been so many women in my life that have fought or are fighting this war with breast cancer. It's the least I can do in support of them. I would LOVE any support from you all out there. Please go to the link below and check it out.

Thanks SO much in advance!!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ronan can sit!!

I think we are getting close to Ronan sitting on his own. Today he did some good sittin'. First with me and then with Daddy while I taped. This video and the next are off of my camera phone, so not the greatest quality. But at least I know how to get those videos online! During the video, there were two other little ones that didn't want to be left out . . .

Ronan can stand!!

Well, not really. Just sort of. He has always been very sturdy on his legs so Cody set him up against the couch and he held himself up for a second. Not too shabby for 6 months, eh?

First Day of Preschool!!!

Jacob started preschool this week!! And he loves it!! He goes Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the morning. I'm so excited for him and we really like the school thus far. Plus, all I hear are good things about it. The first two days went great. Today he had a little trouble with me leaving, but was fine within a few minutes. Jacob loves to come home and show us the sticker or stamp he got, tell us about playing at the water table or riding the BIG bike. I asked if he had made any friends and he told me he plays with Charlie and Ty. Today I got to meet them. Jacob told me after school today that he played with a little girl named Victoria. I'll have to figure out who she is on Monday. Both of his teachers have commented on how sweet and nice he is. That makes me SO proud of him!

Below are pictures of his first day. I only took pictures at home because I wasn't sure how overwhelming it might be at school. Next week I will try and get some pics of him in action at school. I asked him where he wanted me to take his picture and he sat down on the ground and said right here. He wouldn't stand up. Little bugger. I know he was excited and uneasy, so I didn't push it. In the last picture, here's what he was telling me:

Mommy, "Jacob, can you please look at me and smile?"
Jacob, "I don't want to talk to you right now."


Friday, August 07, 2009

Ronan and Rosco

Today while over at Grammie and Papa's house, we noticed that Ronan was watching Rosco under the table. So I said let's sit with him on the ground and see what they do. It was so cute and funny! Rosco (my sister's dog) was SO great with him.

First licks

"Eeww, dog breath!"

"Haha, this is fun Grammie!"
(Aidan is kissing Ronan's head, so sweet!)

"You'll never beat this bad boy at a staring contest."

Karate Chop!!

Rosco sneaks in a little kiss . . .

"Ooohh, no likey licky . . ."
"Oooh, no likey drooly . . ."

"Oh, OK, you do live here."

"Please oh please may I go?"

"But not before one more little kiss!"

6 month stats

Ronan's 6 month appointment went great. For him that is. I really should have rescheduled the appointment because that morning I woke up and felt like I had been hit by a bus. Turns out I had mastitis. SO, of course on this day, when I feel miserable, the doctor is running an hour behind. Also, Ronan was a bit tired because it was during his nap time. Just as he was falling asleep, Dr. Kanagal came in. He did great and was all smiles despite being tired. Which is just how he is - all smiles and so easy going. He did have to get 3 shots, but did fine. A few tears and then it was over. On to the stats:

Height: 27 1/4" 75%
Weight: 16 lbs. 9 1/2 oz. 25%

two bottom teeth

rolls over and over and over

loves to listen to me sing The Wheels on the Bus, Patty Cake and Intsy Wintsy Spider

typically take a good morning nap, good afternoon nap and an early evening snooze

usually sleeps pretty well at night only nursing once but I do think he is getting more teeth because he has been fussing much more during the night

so so smiley and happy!

loves watching his big brothers play

and best of all . . . .

Is a MAMA's Boy!!!!