For Cody's Big 3-0, I surprised him with a trip to Disneyland! (I actually told him a while back) The three boys stayed with my parents while we were gone. It was a quick trip, but so much fun! We left Friday morning and arrived in at our hotel in the afternoon. For dinner we hit the Alcatraz Brewing Co. It was yummy! We walked around the outdoor mall and then headed back to the hotel for some R/R. We woke up bright and early on Saturday so that we could be at Disneyland when it opened. The day was just perfect. The weather was cloudy and cool. The time went by at the perfect pace. Disney was not very crowded either! Believe it or not, we even had time to go back to the hotel for a nap!!! I love it! We were back at the hotel around 11pm and ready to hit the hay. We both slept great! I had to get up at 6:30am to pump, but fell right back asleep until 10:00!!! Then it was back to AZ and the boys.
The trip was just the right amount of time for me to be away from the boys. I missed them, but not terribly. If we would have been one day longer, I would have missed them much more. It was interesting being together with no kids, just the two of us. I don't think we have done a trip, just the two of us, since Jacob was born. It took a couple of times to remember that one of us didn't have to stay in the car while the other went into the AM/PM to get a drink and snack. We could both go! There were no time constraints for naps/bedtimes. And the only thing we carried into DL was Riss's little point and shoot camera she let us borrow. No diaper bag, stroller, snacks, hats etc. It was nice.
I did take some pics with Riss's camera. They might be a bit boring because we pretty much just held it out in front of ourselves. But I think you might enjoy a few . . .
Cody's beer
At dinner Friday night
Enjoying his beer
On the tram into DL
Cody got in free since it was his birthday. They gave him this pin to wear and almost every cast member we saw wished him a happy birthday!
The Tea Cups
Ok, so I don't like the tea cups. I can't remember the last time I have been on them. I usually feel rather nauseous after riding them. But, since it was Cody's birthday and he really wanted to ride them, I decided to suck it up and go with him. I didn't want him to have to go by himself. . . .
Waiting for our turn
Feelin' pretty good about the decision, a little relaxed . . .
and then I saw this face! I knew I was in for it. . .
What concentration it takes to spin a giant tea cup!!
What commitment!
What nausea!!!
And around and around and around we go!
I will admit, it was fun and we did get some hilarious pictures!
Self explanatory
I LOVE the giant pickles at DL. Here I am partaking of this delicious treat!
Waiting in line for Big Thunder Mountain and below, on BTM.
OOOhhhh, SCARY Haunted Mansion!!
Before the great big drop on Splash Mountain . . .
After the great big drop on Splash Mountain . . .
I'm happy and dry . . .
Cody . . .not so much. He was soaked. Hehehe!
Big Thunder at Night