Monday, January 29, 2007

Jacob and Aidan see snow for the first time!

We spent the past weekend at our friends cabin, Kamp Keller. It was our annual girls weekend with our little ones. We had a blast in Heber playing in the snow. I'm sorry for so many pictures, but it was hard to pick the best ones!

Jacob sledding for the first time!

Jacob at Grammie and Papa's lot

Aidan all warm and cozy

Aidan all warn out from playing

Mama and Aidan

Mama and her boys!

Jacob and mama sledding

My sister, Lorissa, and me getting ready for our race

Aunt Lorissa, Grammie, Jacob, me and Aidan (well the top of his head!)

The art of snowball making - Jacob and Tyler learn how to make the perfect snowball

Beautiful blue eyed boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great trip! I am so glad I went :-) Love all the pics :-)