The Thomas Clan just returned from our first big family vacation. We went with my sister, Lorissa, her husband Doug, my brother-in-law Travis and two more friends, Katie and Missy, to Oceanside, California. Last Thursday night, around 6:30pm, we packed the kids up and went to meet up with the rest of the crew. We made it into Oceanside around 1:30am. The drive went off with out a hitch. The boys slept and there were no major tantrums or breakdowns. Thus making it possible to start our vacation off stress free - a little tired - but not stressed out. We stayed with a great friend, Mike Kelly. It was so great of him to open up his apartment to all of us. He lives about two blocks from the beach, where we spent the majority of our time - that is in between naps and eating. The boys loved it. Aidan took a couple naps at the beach and Jacob had so much fun playing in the sand and water. Aidan's favorite pastime - eating sand. I guess California sand is delicious, who knew. We packed up and headed back home on Monday. Cody and I decided to test the waters and drive home during the day. We left just after lunch, right before nap time in hopes of the boys sleeping a good chunk in the afternoon before stopping for dinner. We were very lucky to have two great boys! Aidan did have a few bouts of crying, but Jacob did awesome!! And he was the one I was more worried about. We made it home by 8:45pm, all in one piece and again, not stressed out. Success!! So, to sum it up - we had a really great vacation and I am not nearly as nervous about traveling with the boys. Our next adventure . . . .maybe Boston next summer . . .will we be brave enough to test out flying? You'll have to wait and see . . .
Jacob and Mama laughing it up in the water - Jacob kept trying to put his salty hand in my mouth and thought it was hysterical