Friday, April 03, 2009

Glutton for punishment?

Cute boys in undies, check.  Paper and finger paint, check.  Big mess to clean up, check.

I am trying to keep the boys entertained while we stay home working on potty training.  We can play outside, but our backyard is torn up at the moment.  We do go out front to play too.  Anyway, if I can find a fun activity to do inside, it gives me time to get some other chores done.  (plus the potty isn't far away)  However, the fun activities I offer them seem to create more work in the long run.  I really don't care, as long as they have fun!

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

Oh, have fun! LOL Two at a time - you are a brave woman.
Some ideas:

a big storage box with rice and sand toys - can vacuum up what gets spilled

we also have a big fold-up pad that you paint with a brush and the water turns it blue. Then it dries in a few minutes.

you can borrow our indoor tents/tunnels if you want.