Friday, December 12, 2008

The Arrival of Number 3 will be . . .

As most of you know, I have to have C-Sections when I deliver.  Jacob ended up C-section after 12 or so hours of labor and Aidan was an emergency C-section because of the cholestasis.  At certain times, it has been hard for me to accept that I will not be able to have a vaginal delivery.  But I know what's most important in the end is a healthy baby and healthy mama.  And I trust my doctor when he says I would not be a good candidate at this point for a VBAC.  That being said, one plus to having a C-section, is that I know exactly what date our little man will make his appearance!  The date and time has been set, barring no other issues, health or scheduling wise, he will arrive on February 4, 2009.  The section is scheduled for 11:30am.  It's getting close, but at the same time, it feels so far away!  We are getting very eager to meet him.  Please keep this date in your thoughts and prayers.  Thanks!!


E and K said...

February 4th is my due date! Maybe we'll end up with kiddos born on the same day...although neither of the girls were born on their due dates, so probably not : ) Praying for you during these last few weeks!

The Becker Bunch said...

How close to your can celebrate together, and what BETTER present than a beautiful healthy baby to bring home!!

Jacqui said...

Not far at all! We're halfway to January and your date is barely into February. Exciting!